Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Marcy and I have been friends since birth (I call her parents Aunt and Uncle), so when she asked me to photograph her son, Eli, I jumped at the chance!  After some coaxing from his dad, Eli go over his shyness and let me take some really great pictures of him.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Dan & Ethen

Our friend, Dan, and his son, Ethen, invited me along to take pictures of one of their father/son fishing expeditions.  We went to a pretty little pond in Dalworthington Gardens, where Dan couldn't keep the fish off his hook and Ethen couldn't get them on his!  They had a good time hanging out together, and I enjoyed catching some special moments with my camera.

Friday, August 8, 2008

The Carnagie Sisters

It was HOT in the Stockyards the day I took the Carnagie sisters' pictures.  Khristian, Kayla, and Kelsie.  I had been told they were know affectionately by their mother as "Snobby", "Grumpy", and "Ditzy", but I found them to be "Stunning", "Silly", and "Sweet", which made for one awesome photo shoot.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Meet some members of the Kennedale High School Aristokat Drill Team.  Lillie, Beth, Ashley, Natalie, Juwanda, Morgan, Kaci, and Kayla.  They're lean, mean, dancing machines.  And they're oh SO photogenic!  Thanks for a great photo shoot ladies!